If you're floundering, trying to figure out how you really feel about the States' Children's Health Insurance Plan, I have something that may help you get your feet on solid ground. It's a post from one of the blogs I regularly read, because the author is, as the title indicates, more moderate than many. As most of you know, I've been on both sides of the political fence during the years and still consider myself somewhat of a moderate - I try to listen to arguments from both sides. S-CHIP seems, to me, to be needed right now. For all the reasons noted in this post. No longer is just being "middle income" a guarantee that you'll have the health care you need to raise healthy children.
Setting the Record Straight on S-CHIP
As a parent of now-grown children, there perhaps was nothing more terrifying than wondering if they would be able to get health care should I lose my job. That thankfully never occurred. I had health insurance through my employer and could not be considered to be poor. But it is something that parents have to confront [...]
UPDATE: A "quiet" veto -
Perino: Bush Will Veto SCHIP ‘Quietly’ Without ‘Ceremony’
Both the Senate and the House have passed an expansion of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) with strong bipartisan majorities. In today’s White House press briefing, a reporter said that Democratic leaders would likely be sending the legislation to the President to sign (or, in this case, veto) this afternoon. White House spokeswoman [...]
Tags: S-CHIP, Health Care
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