Tuesday, October 02, 2007

One I Missed

Apparently, arch-conservative blogger, Matt Drudge, has taken a liking to Hillary Clinton.  Andrew Sullivan notes that it's been going on for a while and is starkly evidenced by today's fundraising headline - hopefully, the headline will still be there when you follow the link...

Drudge and Clinton

The unexpected love-affair continues. Well: not so unexpected at this point. He helps her win the primary. She potentially doubles his traffic for at least four years. Win-win. Until it's payback time [...]

UPDATE:  Just in case Drudge changes his links, here's the story that he was featuring, somewhat surprisingly.  I'd think he'd want to bury it...

The Frontrunner Fits

Hillary Clinton raised a total of $27M for the 3rdQ, with $22M for the primary and 100K new donors. For the first time, Clinton beat Barack Obama in the 3rdQ money race and the totals mean she’s raised more than anyone else this year. For the Clinton camp, the numbers are undoubtedly the cherry on top of what has been a [...]

Kind of a double-dip of negative news for Obama today.  Hillary whoops him in fundraising and his poll numbers seem to have stalled...

Obama Stalls

USA Today notes that when Sen. Barack Obama announced his presidential candidacy in February, he trailed Sen. Hillary Clinton, 48% to 23%, in the USA Today/Gallup Poll. "After nearly eight months, six debates and the expenditure of millions of dollars, the numbers are nearly the same: 45% to 24%." Says pollster Mark Mellman: "Nobody has gone from zero to 60 faster in American politics than Barack Obama. But [...]

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