Monday, October 22, 2007

Rainy Monday

I hate dreary, rainy, Mondays.  It makes it all the more difficult to get out of the house and headed for work. I have a floor to ceiling window behind my desk, so it's almost like sitting outside.  On bright, sunny, days it's marvelous. On days like today, it was depressing. The solitude of nightime's darkness was welcome.

So, dig in and start reading.

Halliburton's move out of US paying rewards already

Now remember, as a US citizen this is completely illegal and not allowed though for businesses, it's perfectly OK to pack your bags and stop paying US taxes. US citizens are required to file US taxes regardless of where they reside and even if you rescind your US citizenship, you are required by law to continue filing (and possibly paying) for 10 years.  Why corporate America is allowed to operate with such [...]

If not Halliburton, how about Blackwater?

Today's Must Read

How did Blackwater wind up guarding State Department personnel in Iraq in the first place? More importantly, how did it evolve into a co-dependent relationship? [...]

For those of you who follow such things, MSNBC has moved.  No more New Jersey jokes.  They're at 30 Rock, paired up with daddy network, NBC. Personally, I caught a few glimpses of Morning Joe and liked what I saw.  It's brighter than the old digs, but preserves a lot of what I always liked - big sweeping overhead shots and lots of movement. Well, perhaps too much movement, at times, but still....

Morning Joe shows off new studio…

Quo Vadimus has the video of Morning Joe showing off MSNBC’s new studios, which is a good thing because thanks to the time difference I couldn’t get to this until tonight. They had NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg cut a ribbon to commemorate the debut and Phil Griffin dropped by to talk about the move. It’s [...]

MSNBC’s daytime broadcasts so far…

Zoooooooooooom…go MSNBC’s cameras at 30 rock. Zoom in. Again. And again. And again. You’d think they were starting anew over there or something…oh wait. Actually, I knew this was coming. Last Thursday they did a test run during one of Contessa Brewer’s shifts in Secaucus. Every other shot was a zoom almost. That got my [...]

Live From New York ... It's Monday Morning

In case you missed it this morning at 6am EDT, the folks at MSNBC went on the air in their new way-cool digs. The people who got to cut the ribbon? Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, Willie Geist and the rest of my friends at "Morning Joe." (Along with their big brain behind the curtain, producer Chris Licht.)  The first couple of minutes was spent piling praise on the construction crew, the engineers and pretty much gawking at their new habitat.  I dropped a line to Willie Geist to see what he thought of the new place [...]

Down in Atlanta, CNN Headline News is making some changes, too -

Headline News' Morning Show Name Game

A rebranding is in store for CNN Headline News' morning show. The CNN Observations blog reports that starting Monday, November [...]

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