Monday, October 01, 2007


I certainly hope so.  Information culled from a number of sources indicates there may have been a hidden (or not-so-hidden) message in the Iranian President's speech at the United Nations. Chilling...

Did A'jad predict Armageddon at the UN?

This will sound alarming. A literal reading of Ahmadi-Nejad's UN address suggests that he is predicting a total war coming [...]

Also, in case you missed it, Sy Hersh has some detailed thoughts on how the Bush Administration is dealing with Iran this weekend.  His latest article is still generating considerable discussion tonight -

Sy Hersh on Bush's New Strategy for Iran

It seems the Bush administration has given up trying to convince Congress and the American people that Iran must be attacked because their nuclear program (currently under inspection by the IAEA) is an imminent threat to the US and its ally, Israel, requiring military action. So, they have shifted gears and gone to Plan B: a new marketing strategy to paint Iran as a supporter of "terrorists" in Iran who are killing American troops, thus requiring attacks on targets inside Iran as a "counterterrorism measure." This isn't merely my analysis, [...]

Another pundit weights in:

Podhoretz: ‘I Believe Bush Is Going To Order Airstrikes On Iran Before He Leaves Office’

Norman Podhoretz, widely reputed as the “godfather” of neoconservatism, has released a new book entitled World War IV: The Long Struggle Against Islamofacism, a strident call for continuing the Bush strategy of preemptive wars. Podhoretz, who was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Bush in 2004, met privately with the President for 45 minutes recently. [...]

I don't know about you, but I'm not feeling particularly optimistic after reading ANY of those posts.

UPDATE:  Dana Priest says the pilots won't let an attack happen. First bright thought of the evening, but it's quickly shot down -

Bombing Iran

The Washington Post's Dana Priest opines that if the White House decides to bomb Iran, "the military would revolt and there would be no pilots to fly those missions." Matt Yglesias isn't convinced:It's important to avoid overstating the degree [...]

UPDATE 2: And, from the "some things are not what they seem" department, this from  Daily Kos.  Read it all the way to the end, before you jump to conclusions..

Bombing Iran? Please, Don't Be Ridiculous.

I really think Sy Hersh has gone over the top on this one. It's completely implausible: [...]

Final Update: I'm sorry this post has grown to be so lengthy.  It's morphed from the original U.N.-based post to something much more broadbased. Finally tonight, the White House response to the Sy Hersh report. You guessed it -

Perino Dismisses Sy Hersh And ‘All His Anonymous Sources’ On Iran

Seymour Hersh, The New Yorker’s Pulitzer-Prize winning investigative journalist, has a new article warning that there is “a significant increase in the tempo of attack planning” for war with Iran inside the Bush administration. He reports that the administration has switched its rationale for war, from a broad bombing attack against Iran’s nuclear facilities to [...]

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