Thursday, June 14, 2007

Take Your Choice

There are two versions of a single story out there today.  Take your pick of whichever version you want.

New Pentagon report contradicts Petraeus

A new report from the Pentagon flat-out contradicts the rosy view of Iraq that top-US general David Petraeus tried to peddle only a few weeks ago. The report says that violence is getting worse, in spite of the surge, and that "it was too soon to judge whether the security crackdown was working." Contrast that with General Petraeus leaking to ABC, only two weeks ago, news that [...]

Petraeus is on a roll.  ABC two weeks ago - USA Today this morning:

Petraeus says security crackdown working

BAGHDAD - When Gen. David Petraeus drives through the streets of Iraq's capital, he sees "astonishing signs of normalcy" in half, perhaps two-thirds of Baghdad. "I'm talking about [...]

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