Always in the interest of fairness around here. Pick your sides in the following showdown:
Olbermann: Bill O’Reilly Owes Judge Ernest Murphy An Apology
On Thursday’s “Countdown,” Keith Olbermann talks to attorney Howard Cooper, who represented Massachusetts Superior Court Judge Ernest Murphy in his successful libel lawsuit against the Boston Herald and the reporter, Dave Wedge. Wedge wrote a hit piece against Judge Murphy, falsely claiming he said about a 14 year old rape victim, [...]
Keith Olbermann Smears Bill O'Reilly with Lies...Again
It never fails. When the infamous, deplorable Keith Olbermann has to feed his Olbsession, truth really doesn't matter. So it is with Herr Olbermann's latest smear: built on selective editing, and furnished with lies [...]
Tags: Olbermann, Olbermannwatch, Countdown, O'Reilly
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