Tuesday, June 12, 2007

O'Reilly Says Something Really Stupid

It's bad if he meant it and even worse if it was a slip of the tongue.  Either way, he comes off (once again) as pendantic and idiotic.  Honestly, I put him in the same category as Rush - people who have substantial communication skills, but little ability to separate fact from fiction. I don't care whether you're coming from the right or the left, it's just plain stupid for a national media personality to say this:

O’Reilly Defends His Lack Of Iraq Coverage: Explosions In Iraq ‘Don’t Mean Anything’

A recent study by the Project for Excellence in Journalism found that in the first three months of 2007, Fox News devoted considerably less coverage to the Iraq war than did CNN and MSNBC, but almost twice as much time to the Anna Nicole Smith story: Today on his radio show, Fox News host Bill [...]

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