Why, oh why, would anybody think this would be okay? It begs so many questions, not the least of which is "who was in charge and do they still have a job?"
that it secretly dumped 64 million pounds of nerve and mustard agents into the sea, along with 400,000 chemical-filled bombs, land mines and rockets and more than 500 tons of radioactive waste - either tossed overboard or packed into the [...]
UPDATE: More details? Read on...
Pentagon Wages Deadly, Silent, Toxic War on US
While the US military is laying waste to Iraq, it wages a silent and toxic campaign against the people of the US. The US military is dumping toxic wastes offshore near heavily populated in the North East, the Southeast and the South -specifically New York, Washington DC, Philadelphia, Boston as well as locations farther south offshore between Newport News and Charleston and offshore between [...]
Tags: Army, Bombs, Land Mines, Rockets, Radioactive Waste
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