My goodness, but we certainly took care of folks in New Orleans, didn't we?
Technorati Tags: Katrina, African-Americans

Technorati Tags: Katrina, African-Americans
Welcome! Once a journalist, always a journalist. I left the news business to try something completely different (for a time), but realized I still felt the need to keep up with all that's going on around us. So, this blog emerged as a way for me to filter some of what I feel is important, interesting or funny and pass it along to you. Enjoy! And, feel free to comment on any post.
The American Human Development Project released a new report today called A Portrait Of LOUISIANA. The project paints a landscape of Louisiana four years after Katrina, and includes some troubling statistics showing that the average life span for African-Americans living in New Orleans is nearly as low as life expectancy in [...]