Interesting take on the ultimate impact of this weekend's resignation from the Obama Administration.
Technorati Tags: Van Jones, Glenn Beck

Technorati Tags: Van Jones, Glenn Beck
Welcome! Once a journalist, always a journalist. I left the news business to try something completely different (for a time), but realized I still felt the need to keep up with all that's going on around us. So, this blog emerged as a way for me to filter some of what I feel is important, interesting or funny and pass it along to you. Enjoy! And, feel free to comment on any post.
That’s right, you heard me. Van Jones defeats Glenn Beck. The big news of the night is that Van Jones, the President’s advisor on green jobs and the economy, has resigned under pressure from far-right brownshirts. On the surface this disappointing, to say the least. Jones has proven himself to be a creative and effective advocate [...]