Thursday, February 19, 2009

Condescending CNBC

CNBC.Image via Wikipedia
This is an amazing bit of condescending showmanship on the part of the CNBC crew, talking about mortgage help. With a stock market cheering section.

Rick Santelli has a Howard Beale Moment…

This is classic TV but Santelli isn’t saying anything I haven’t already heard before on CNBC and FBN. The only difference is the cheerleading from the peanut gallery behind Santelli. A pretty good cross section of America? Traders? Umm…talk about preaching to the choir and stacking the deck. Let’s see Santelli get that kind [...]

Here Comes the Santelli Blowback…

You just knew the hype over Santelli’s outburst would subside and people would start looking at what he actually said. And then the blowback would come. CJR Daily’s Ryan Chittum has the honor of being one of the first. I doubt it’ll be the last. Earlier I said Santelli did a Howard Beale. I take [...]

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