Friday, October 10, 2008

Friday Head-Shaker

The stock market continues to tank. It's sad when the analysts are almost cheering a drop of "only" 300 points. My guess is that it'll probably really nosedive just before the close, much as it did yesterday. Then, before I can even start to get my head around the market, I stumble on a choice little bit of information. I'm supposed to be staying calm to get rid of the shingles, but this kind of stuff makes it really difficult...

Bankrupt Wachovia lends Republicans $8 million

What the? How in the world is this even possible? With the credit crisis freezing the lending market for large businesses down to home loans it has to be difficult enough but lending $8 million for a political campaign when you just went bankrupt? Indirectly, taxpayers are going to [...]


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