Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Spent much time today watching the hearings on the financial bailout plan now before Congress. I'll say one thing, the folks on that banking committee aren't going to just roll over and accept the "hand it all over" proposal. I just don't see how there can be any agreement this week.  Wall Street was none too happy, either.  Down about 150 points.  There were some great questions asked by the senators, but I don't think many of them were happy with the answers they got.  I'll be looking for clips later.
In the meantime, the REALLY unbelievable event today.  Palin sits down to talk with real "world leaders", but kicks reporters out after a 29 second (yup, less than half a minute) photo op. Well....them reporter folks got all riled up.  Good for them...

Dear Media, pull your reporters from the Straight Talk Express

In the aftermath of the revolt against the Palin/McCain campaign kicking reporters out of the photo opps Sarah Palin is holding at the UN today, there's a larger question that remains. Why is the corporate media continuing to subsidize John McCain's free photo opps by having staff on his bus and plane? It costs a fortune to have reporters embedded with [...]


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