Friday, July 25, 2008


Lots of buzz as we head into the weekend from folks who are following the allegations of a John Edwards "love child" and the accompanying affair.  The big problem is that the story is from the National Enquirer. But, bits and pieces of it are beginning to get journalistic "legs" in the more mainstream media.  Lawsuits always seem to lend some credibility to such things.

National Enquirer's John Edwards Love Child Piece Reportedly Prompts Criminal Complaint

The National Enquirer reports that it has brought a criminal complaint against the Beverly Hilton hotel in response to the actions of the hotel's security staff while representatives from the magazine were trailing former presidential candidate and Senator John Edwards.  "As Butterfield and Hitchen tried to question Edwards, he ran down [...]
Oh, by the way, I've pretty much decided that using Blogger's new internal editor is pretty darn efficient.  You have to dig around a bit to find the draft version, but it has some nice features.


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