Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sunday Reading

Looks like another busy day around here, so posting will be scattered.  I did a quick scan of bloglines over coffee this morning, and snagged a couple of things that look interesting.  Read on, if you have the time. 

The NY Times profiles "The Evangelical Crackup"

Yes, that's actually the title of a long piece in Sunday's Times by David Kirkpatrick. It's an interesting read. Bush and his war in Iraq helped foster the crackup. And, there seems to be a decidedly different view of what's going on between those evangelicals who are sick of the GOP and those religious right leaders, like Tony Perkins, who are in bed with the GOP. However "the crackup" plays out in 2008, these [...]

Say Goodbye to Intelligence Declassification

When the Intelligence Community releases before/after photos of some remote Syrian site that the Israelis bombed it doesn't take long for a private company to release their own photos. The private company's photos show that whatever the Syrians were doing there started as far back as 2001 and had progressed extremely slowly since 2003. Too bad. The Intelligence Community was trying to justify what Israel did and make some kind of [...]

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