Oh, Limbaugh is in for a fight. This one could really damage him. My sense is that he picked the wrong group to pick on at the wrong time.
Anti-war veterans take to the air against Limbaugh
Anti-war veterans are not letting up on Rush Limbaugh, the radio talk show host who derisively spoke of "phony soldiers'' last week during an on-air conversation with callers about people calling for the withdrawal of troops from iraq. A leading anti-war veterans coalition is taking out television ads on Fox News and CNN Wednesday and Thursday. The ads feature a wounded veteran saying: "More and more troops and veterans of Iraq believe George Bush's military policy has been a disaster.'' The ad pictures not only the decorated soldier's Purple Heart, but also [...]
But, wait. It gets better! h/t to "Think Progress".
‘Phony soldier’ responds to Rush.
In a new Vote Vets ad, Brian McGough, an Iraq war veteran who received the Purple Heart, challenges Rush Limbaugh: “Until you have the guts to call me a ‘phony soldier’ to my face, stop telling lies about my service.” Watch it:
Tags: Rush Limbaugh, Phony Soldiers, Veterans Against the War
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