Friday, October 26, 2007

Hard on Huck

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee has been getting quite the good press for the past couple of weeks. All of that seems to be coming to a screeching halt right about now.  Welcome to reality, Mr. Huckabee!

Two Mental Midgets

Before the media stamps John McCain as a comeback kid or Mike Huckabee as a serious candidate for the GOP nomination and the presidency, can they at least take a close look at how unserious each of them are when it comes to dealing with the uninsured and Social Security in this country? At an Iowa AARP forum yesterday where McCain and Huckabee were the only two GOP candidates who bothered to show up, both of them proved to be lightweights unworthy of [...]

Another blogger likes Mike, but doesn't think he has a prayer of a chance.


Many people believe the conventional wisdom that you can't possibly win the Republican presidential nomination if you have liberal or moderate position on social issues. You know that I believe differently -- that I think Giuliani has developed a line of kill-the-brutes rhetoric and built up a myth about himself that give him a real chance to win despite the objections of (some) fundamentalists. The flip side of this argument concerns Mike Huckabee: There's a belief that because he does pass all the fundie litmus tests with flying colors, and is a minister from the South, he could become a first-tier candidate, or a good VP choice for, say, Mitt or Rudy. I don't believe that -- I think if [...]


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