Monday, October 22, 2007

GOP Talking Points

Regurgitated. And our man, Huckabee, is right in there.  Pontificating with the best of them.

Worst. Threat. Ever?

In last night’s debate, Mike Huckabee, trying to explain why Hillary Clinton, under no circumstances, should even be considered for the presidency, said her election would mean “our military loses its morale, and I’m not sure we’ll have the courage and the will and the resolve to fight the greatest threat this country’s ever faced [...]

Hmmm. Huckabee gets a big "atta-boy" from Newsweek's Jonathan Alter:

The GOP is in a deep hole and keeps digging. Even after Mike Huckabee won big among attendees at last week's "Values Voters Convention," many evangelicals have been telling the former Arkansas governor—and onetime Baptist minister—that they like him but won't back him because he can't beat Hillary Clinton. They have it exactly backward. He may be the only Republican candidate with a decent chance to beat the Democrats next November. Huckabee? Yes, Huckabee. To explain why, let's [...]

If you're coming in from outside of Arkansas, you might appreciate what the weekly Arkansas Times has to say about this latest round of Huckalove -

The herd mentality

I give up. It's 2000 all over again. The good guy this year is not George Bush, it's Mike Huckabee. Thus, you'll find nothing in the big media outlets about the flaws in his fair tax proposal. You'll find nothing about his taking speaking fees and sweetheart book purchases from a drugmaker that engages in stem cell research. Nothing about his comparison of birth control to wife beating. Nor the smashed-up hard drives. The gift registry. The years of ethical miscues. The vindictiveness [...]

Let's see now - back to the Hillary part of the Huckabee report tonight: Hillary's making nice with Matt Drudge and a familiar name pops up in coverage of that situation. Loyalties do run deep -

Oh, That Tim Griffin

If you get a chance definitely take a look at Jim Rutenberg's piece on Drudge in the Times today, particularly on the Drudge-Hillary alliance of convenience. But did anyone else notice this passage ... Senior aides in the Bush war [...]

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