Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Debate

I didn't watch it, having survived "Hardball" and "Countdown", I needed something non-political while I worked on last night's posts.  So, a day later, the bloggers are trying to sift through the performances.  From what I picked up with an ear to the TV early this morning and from skimming through bloglines tonight, Hillary Clinton came up short.  Here's a quick collection of reviews:

Clinton On The Ropes

One thing that strikes me about these debates: the Democrats are much more boring than the Republicans. I'm not entirely sure why. My hunch is that the Democrats actually think they may need to govern the country, and the Republicans [...]

Observations on the Debate

Here is what I learned in the debate, and spin appearances after the debate, about each of the candidates that I didn't know before: Chris Dodd is for decriminalizing bong-hits and John Edwards thinks that sends the wrong message to children. Edwards is a wimp on this issue, as were several others that raised their hands as opposing the decriminalization of bong-hits. Bill Richardson is running for vice-president (which is why he leaped to defend Hillary Clinton from a tag-team led by Edwards, Obama, and Dodd). Dennis Kucinich saw something [...]

Barack Obama's very, very, very bad week didn't get any better last night and other debate postmortem

The media have been treating the Democratic presidential race as a two-person game for practically the last six months. Granted, a fight to the [political] death between a serious woman candidate and a serious black candidate, particularly when played against a sea of Gray White Saber-Rattlers on the Republican side, makes a more compelling story than do the white guys in the Democratic race. But as Barack Obama's peculiar flavor of [...]

I watch the debates, so you don’t have to

Not since the first debate for the Democratic presidential candidates, way back in April, has there actually been some anticipation about what might happen. Last night, in Philadelphia, it was obvious that Hillary Clinton’s rivals would be more aggressive towards the front-runner, but how much? Who’d benefit? Would it make a difference? We gained some insights [...]

Over at Newsweek, Richard Wolfe boils it all down to this:

A Drop of Blood in the Water

Watch out, Hillary: The feeding frenzy has just begun [...]


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