Friday, September 14, 2007

The Problem With Iraq

It all comes down to history.  And heritage.  And an honest assessment of how that part of the world operates.

Mr. President, Democratic Leadership: There Is No Such Thing as Iraq

Sure, look on a map, and it exists.  It’s got a seat in the United Nations.  The electrical grid is national, and the people who live within the geographic boundaries are considered, by other nations, "Iraqis."  But George W. Bush is trying to fool a nation and a world in to thinking that there is a nation known as Iraq. There isn’t. There are Kurds, and they don’t want to be in a nation that includes Sunni Arabs, whose leadership they blame for the genocidal policies known as the Anfal.  Expecting Kurds to remain part of the Iraqi nation-state is like expecting Jews to have gotten a national homeland adjoined to Germany after the Holocaust, but expecting the Jews to make nice with the Germans and let bygones be bygones.  Most Americans probably don’t realize that [...]

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