Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Political Double-Play

Hmmm. If the Democrats manage to pull this one off, it could be significant. It would actually put a "win" in their column. It's a column that, until now, has been filled with wishes and promises and not much more.

Good luck, GOP.

The SCHIP game plan: Democrats think they may be on the brink of the political equivalent of a double play. First, they plan to pass the legislation with strong bipartisan support — including a veto-proof margin in the Senate — unifying the party around a significant policy issue. Secondly, Democratic political operatives plan to use Bush’s veto [...]

And a Republican is leading the way!

Grassley: Target Fellow Republicans Over SCHIP Rejection

How bad is the Bush GOP when a senior GOP senator calls out the president for sandbagging the nation’s uninsured children, and then suggests that the Democrats target GOP senators and representatives who side with the president against the SCHIP expansion? That’s exactly what Indiana GOP senator Chuck Grassley is doing, in expressing his displeasure about the White House’s attempt to stop [...]

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