Patraeus and Crocker. More questions. Tough questions, this time.
On Iraq questions, Senate learns from House mistakes
Despite all of the anticipation, yesterday’s joint House hearing with Gen. David Petraeus and Amb. Ryan Crocker was a bit of a dud. Everyone seemed to be going through the motions, and all we heard were predictable answers to predictable questions. When colorful charts are the highlight of the afternoon, you know it was a [...]
Petraeus gets "bipartisan grilling" in the Senate
Some Republicans in the Senate were actually challenging Petraeus today, according to Reuters: "The top U.S. commander in Iraq, Gen. David Petraeus, faced a tough challenge on Tuesday from both Republicans skeptical about war strategy and Democrats who want a [...]
Tags: Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Patraeus, Crocker
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