It's Wednesday evening and that means the downhill race to the weekend is officially underway. Stay the course. Don't speed. You know the usual admonitions. From a blogging point of view, we begin on a sad, sad, note tonight. A. J. Rossmiller blogs at AMERICAblog today about a tragedy in Iraq...
Two soldiers who wrote NYT op-ed killed in Iraq
Since their op-ed criticizing the administration's strategy in Iraq began with the words, "Viewed from Iraq at the tail end of a 15-month deployment," one has to assume that nearly a month later the seven soldiers who authored the piece were achingly close to returning home. Two of them won't be coming back alive. Yance Gray and Omar Mora, both of the 82nd Airborne Division, were killed on Monday. Gray leaves behind [...]
Tags: Yance Grey, Omar Mora, New York Times, Iraq War
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