That's really all we got from Patraeus and Crocker yesterday. Smoke and mirrors with cherry-picked numbers. The McClatchy papers did the heavy lifting to sort through the real numbers to tell us:
What Crocker and Petraeus didn’t say
Slate’s Fred Kaplan wasn’t impressed with what Gen. David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker had to say yesterday. Just as importantly, McClatchy reports on what Petraeus and Crocker didn’t say yesterday. A chart displayed by Army Gen. David Petraeus that purported to show the decline in sectarian violence in Baghdad between December and August made no [...]
And, the always-excellent Juan Cole makes some supurb points in a post today:
Can Gen. Petraeus and Ryan Crocker Save the Next Democratic President?
Despite what the pundits will say, I fear the testimony of Gen. David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker on the Hill Monday and Tuesday is not a turning point, does not give Bush breathing room, and is largely irrelevant. To any extent that what they do in Iraq ends up making a real positive difference, Petraeus and Crocker will likely be doing the Democrats a big favor, not Bush, who won't be in office much longer. The central question is whether [...]
Tags: Patraeus, Crocker, Iraq Report
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