Monday, September 10, 2007

Another Osama Tape

Word today that there's another Osama tape on the way.  We're not even finished debating the OTHER Osama tape from last week! Plenty of links to keep you busy in the following post...

New Osama Tape: Was It Fake?

There has been a lot of talk in the blogosphere about Osama’s beard.Was it fake? Was it dyed? There has also been a lot of discussion about the politics in the video. Some suggesting they sound a lot like the American left. There are a lot of oddities that open up questions on the authenticity of the latest Al Qaeda propaganda. Michael Leeden, at the Corner, ponders whether this was really Osama with many good points. Another significant find was pointed out by the leftist site, Booman Tribune. "Osama Bin Laden’s widely publicized video address to the American people has a peculiarity [...]

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