Wednesday, September 19, 2007


We've made it to the mid-point, my friends.  And, quite a week it's been. I'm enjoying a bunch of Jack Cafferty tonight on CNN (Countdown's being DVR'd - Keith's still recovering from surgery - Allison Stewart is good, but it's just not the same).  I'll try to snag some Cafferty Clips later. It's good stuff. I'm sensing a regular slot for him to expand his snarky Situation Room commentaries. It's just plain fun to watch him go off on people and topics.  Speaking of fun, I'm continuing to try to build some into this blog every once in a while.  After the regular posts went up last night, I had some time to play over in YouTube. If you're my age (or older), you'll appreciate a bit of television history - way back to the 60's - with clips from Captain Kangaroo, an early promo for color TV's (yes, my young friends, there was this thing called "black & white" TV way back when) - and the opening sequences to a bunch of shows as far back as the 1950's. Enjoy. And share them.  I've watch that opening sequence to Captain Kangaroo several times now.  Whew.  Talk about childhood memories!  So simple - but most television WAS simple back then. But, the theme music!  I swear, I could taste oatmeal or Captain Crunch when I heard it!  Howdy Doody would be next on my list.

But, first, off to the serious stuff. For a while.  I have to credit the handful of reporters who really try to get to the real stories in the Middle East. Michael Ware at CNN is one of the best. Lara Logan at CBS has come up with some good stuff, too.  Case in point, yesterday's report on how our tax dollars are being squandered and stolen in Afghanistan.

Lara Logan looks at “success” in Afghanistan

Thank the higher being of your choice for journalists like Lara Logan. While Katie Couric stays in the Green Zone and with heavily guarded escorts through a security-cleared market, Logan goes in and slogs through bio-hazardous waste and shows us exactly how much “success” our tax dollars have bought in Afghanistan.[...]

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