Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Generating Criticism

I can understand why. Even among those who belong to the denomination mentioned, there are critics.  Get out your notebooks. It's time to go to college to learn to be a wife...

Dusting the family Bible 101

It’s undetermined if there’s a strong emphasis on the unloveability of women who don’t douche with common housecleaning products. I meant to post on this when Echidne wrote about it, but it passed my mind. Thanks to Jessica for reminding me of it. The Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary is taking great strides against the [...]

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1 comment:

  1. Actually I think that is quite a reactional approach to take to that announcement.

    That degree program is likely very legit when fully fleshed out. They account for all of 23 hours of course work in those general areas. That looks more like a minor to me than anything else. To graduate I'll need 128 hours of credit.

    These courses will likely be taught from a Christian perspective and that's what many people would like to know. How can someone remain in society that pressures families to seperate all across the globe, yet retain the value of a Christian home.

    Sure some of the courses sound a bit odd, with 7 hours of clothing construction being a little too oldfashioned. But the degree will certainly help women adapt to the pressures of this ever changing society without relenting their beliefs.

    I think the quote of the university official tells exactly why this program was created.

    “We are moving against the tide in order to establish family and gender roles as described in God’s word for the home and the family,” Patterson said at the denomination’s annual meeting in June. “If we do not do something to salvage the future of the home, both our denomination and our nation will be destroyed.”

    If you go into a church and ask anyone older than 40 about the future of the church you will likely hear a somber message. I've gone to England and Mexico on Mission trips and in both places I heard the exact same message as I heard in the churches of the US. Society has changed, people are changing fast, and we're forgetting fast too.

    This kind of course work plays into the essense of humans. We believe that science is the ultimate key to knowledge. We learn things best when we see them as knowledge. Thus as a reaction to the change in our society an attempt has been made to teach what is normally taught in church, in an academic setting, because like it or not, people don't always fully take the time or effort to flesh out deep thoughts about God and how he relates to their own Christian Home at church nearly as much as they should.

    -James Ferguson
    (yeah, I looked you up online randomly. I've been in a kinda deep thought mode today, thus the long reply. Hope you don't mind. heh.)
