Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Where Do You Get Your News?

Old news guys die hard.  I'm still fascinated by changing trends in the broadcast news biz and I highly agree with much of what's said in this post. I don't have access to cable at my desk and have grown to rely on the online world to keep me updated. I'm betting that this scenario will ring true with many of you, too.

The End of Cable News?

One reason that cable has become more about entertainment or live-video happening-now marathons than, well, news is that most people now get their actual information online. Increasingly, of course, most people get their news and opinion online. Hello, guys! Money [...]

Of course, Fox News and Bill O'Reilly aren't helping the sad state of cable news with stuff like this...

The O’Reilly Fiction: Making Up The News

A couple of weeks ago, Bill O’Reilly aired a hard-hitting piece from the wilds of North Carolina. He had dispatched his crack investigative team to dig up dirt on John Edwards. What he found was a trailer park across the street from Edwards’ home whose unidentified working-class residents had no love for Senator Edwards. Unidentified Male: [...]

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