Blogger Bob Geiger pulls no punches in a post today, starting with his headline:
Is GOP Senator Kit Bond A Liar Or Just Plain Stupid?
Lost in the coverage Monday of Senate Republicans blocking the no-confidence vote on Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, was a silly little speech given by Kit Bond (R-MO) about the Iraq war, the Democratic response to the quagmire and, as the Congressional Record labeled it, "Media Bias" in reporting on the American occupation. Bond covered all the usual Republican bases, saying that Congress should not oppose the war because "it is critical that we not fall into this trap set by al-Qaida" and that withdrawal resolutions tell "the Sunni terror cells and the Shia militias that America's political will is wavering." Blah, blah, blah. But this time, [...]
Tags: Kit Bond, Gonzales, Iraq War, Media Bias
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