Our own former governor, Mike Huckabee, has been making the rounds the past couple of days, chasing his Presidential Dreams. He's obviously willing to go out on a bit of a political limb with some of his comments. They are, at least, attracting attention...
Huckabee: Most U.S. Prisoners Would ‘Love Gitmo’
Video and story via Think Progress: Former Secretary of State Colin Powell condemned the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay yesterday, calling it “a major problem for America’s perception” and charging, “if it was up to me I would close Guantanamo–not tomorrow, this afternoon.” Later, on CNN’s Late Edition, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) expressed [...]
Lest we forget, Huckabee does have some political baggage...
Digby reminds us of Huckabee's part in the Wayne DuMond situation. DuMond was one of those Clinton-era wingnuttery cases, during those exciting heady days of the 90s when literally anything could be used as evidence of Clinton's evil. DuMond was a pet case of Half Moon Steve Dunleavy, whose advocacy on DuMond's behalf ultimately led to his release and the subsequent murder of [...]
And, just for good measure, Marc Cooper has some thoughts about Huckabee..
I've pretty much had enough of this turkey, Mike Huckabee -- long before most anybody has heard of him. He's a wonderfully gifted smooth-talker, about the best I've seen. The gap between his style and his substance reaches from here to --well-- eternity. He seduces his interviewers and interlocutors into believing they're actually talking to [...]
Tags: Huckabee, Guantanamo Bay, Powell
Tags: Dumond
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