Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Headline Time

Caught this on Countdown last night (Amy Robach substituting for Olbermann). Cute and funny on a couple of levels, not the least of which is that I'm a native Iowan and stuff just doesn't happen there!

Actual Headline

Butts charged with stealing toilet paper: Police blame a woman named Butts for stealing toilet paper from a central Iowa courthouse, and while they’re chuckling, the theft charge could put her in prison. “She’s facing potentially three years of incarceration for three rolls of toilet paper [because she has prior theft convictions],” Chief Lon Walker said, stifling [...]

By the way, does it seem like NBC and MSNBC are seriously grooming Robach for bigger and better things? I know there was some chatter about her getting the Weekend Today gig, assuming Campbell Brown bails out.  She handles Countdown well in Keith's absense and seems to have developed a bit more of an "edge" than we see during her usual MSNBC anchoring.

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