Tuesday, May 22, 2007

In The Basement

New numbers on Presidential Support.  PoliPundit has the numbers and a question. I have the answer.  First, the facts:

Fifteen percent (15%) Strongly Approve

Who on earth is in the "15%?" For the third straight day, just 34% of American adults Approve of the way that George W. Bush is performing his duties as President. That’s the lowest level ever recorded by Rasmussen Reports (see comments on comparing Approval Ratings from different polling firms). Fifteen [ ...]

Who is in the 15%?  People like a member of my family.  I got into a short debate on the phone this past weekend, talking about the Bush Administration and Democrats vs. Republicans. One comment stopped me in my tracks.  He said (paraphrasing, but you'll get the gist) "Ya' know, if the Democrats didn't spend all their time running around looking for ways to make George Bush look bad, they might get something done.  All they've done is promise, promise, promise and now they're doing nothing, except cook up ways to slam Bush."  I guess my debating skills are lacking.  I couldn't come up with a comeback.

Oh, before you run off, here's another poll:  31 percent.

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