Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Time to Testify

So, the White House says Rove and Miers can talk.  But... you guessed it - not under oath.  Can you ask, "Have something to hide?"  Or maybe, "go over like a lead balloon."

Rove, Miers to be ‘interviewed’?

The Bush gang has been mulling over whether to let Karl Rove and Harriet Miers talk to lawmakers about the prosecutor purge scandal. This afternoon, the White House announced its response. The White House will allow the president’s top political adviser, Karl Rove, and former White House counsel Harriet Miers to be interviewed by congressional committees [...]

UPDATE: Fast react from Congress.  That offer just ain't gonna fly.

Behind Closed Doors?

The White House says that they will let Harriet Myers and Karl Rove testify, but unsworn with no transcript and behind closed doors.  Screw that.  Schumer is on TV saying that they will move forward with subpoenas on Thursday because this isn't what Leahy outlined on Sunday. Enough with this government by super-secret probation.  Let's hope [...]

UPDATE 2: Great (and short) comment from Joshua Micah Marshall -

Gotta love this....

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