That has an interesting "ring" to it, doesn't it? ProsecutorGate. Just in case you're still not convinced that there was any political hanky-panky involved in the firings of those U.S. Attorneys, dig into this piece from Booman Tribune. Pretty much sums it all up -
ProsecutorGate and the Rule of Law
David C. Iglesias, the former United States attorney for the District of New Mexico, has an editorial up in the New York Times explaining why he was fired. It's pretty straight forward. He was fired because Senator Pete Domenici, who had recommended him for the job, wanted him fired. And Pete Domenici wanted him fired because he didn't bring unsubstantiated voter fraud cases against Democrats before the 2006 midterm elections. It's a fairly open and shut case. We can add this case to the case of San Diego United States [...]
And, there's another good roundup of information over at the Carpetbagger blog, including details on a mysterious "gap" in the emails -
I hope readers don’t mind that I do frequent round-ups of purge-related news. I like to offer comprehensive coverage of updates as they’re available, but there’s too much information for individual posts on each. There are plenty of gems available this morning. * The Politico’s Mike Allen reports that the DoJ’s document dump on Monday included “a [...]
UPDATE: Sheesh. Tony Snow is showing up in multiple posts today! His response to the email gap is, quite simply put, priceless.
Snow Won’t Comment On 18-Day Gap: ‘I’ve Been Led To Believe There’s A Good Response For It’
Tags: U.S. Attorneys, David Iglesias, Bud Cummins
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