Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Giving Gore Grief

The dems are bending the rules and the folks on the other side simply aren't happy.  Seems like much ado about not much, to me.

The Prophet of Global Warming

Does not wish to deal with irksome statements of, Al Gore refused to apper before the committee until the GOPers withdrew their opening statements...and, also, in a complete violation of normal rules of conduct, the GOP members weren't provided [...]

UPDATE: But, when he got to speak, he made his point.  Soundly.

Gore To House Panels: Not Too Late To Deal With Climate Change

Al Gore, a Democratic favorite for the presidency despite pronouncements that he's not running, spoke out on his signature issue Wednesday, telling Congress that climate change poses a crisis that threatens civilization. In a return he described as emotional, Gore testified before House panels that it is not too late to deal with climate change "and [...]

Point. Counter-Point.

Gore: ‘If The Crib’s On Fire, You Don’t Speculate That The Baby Is Flame-Retardant’

At the House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing today, leading climate skeptic Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) tried to cast doubt on the science behind global warming, claiming “even the mainstream media are now noticing that global warming science is uneven and evolving.” Vice President Al Gore rebuffed Barton’s attempts to interrupt his testimony and quickly [...]

UPDATE:  As noted, the complaining from the Right was pretty much baseless -

Fox seizes on GOP charges that Gore violated witness rules, ignoring chairs' discretion to waive or ignore them

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