Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Fox News Slant

As somebody who's been deeply involved in broadcast journalism for most of my adult life, I've been thoroughly disappointed in watching Fox News descend into an unacknowledged partisanship for the GOP.  And, as noted in the post linked below, it's not that they DO slant so much of what they report, it's that they refused to admit it on the air!  Why should you care?  Because a lot of people do watch and do believe what they see and hear on Fox.  And don't understand that's it's slanted toward the Right.

FOX News needs to come out of the closet

I wish I'd invented that quote, but it was Democratic strategist Paul Begala, speaking of FOX News' conservative bias. Hell, that's like saying the DNC has a liberal bias. FOX News is a propaganda arm of the Republican party, period. And it's about time the Democrats stood up to FOX and said they're no longer going to enable the network's racist, homophobic, sexist agenda. And that's what Democrats did when they canceled a planned presidential primary debate to [...]

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