Sunday, March 15, 2009

It's Sunday

I've been sadly lacking in getting posts online here, spending more time watching Twitter and Facebook conversations and working on some real projects - you know, the kind that pay!  Still, in watching the Sunday talkers today, there were a couple of important stories. I'll defer to the fine folks at Think Progress for both of them.

Cheney’s Excuse For Economic Failures Under His Watch: ‘Stuff Happens’

During an interview with Dick Cheney this morning, CNN host John King asked the former vice president why “we should listen to you” for economic advice. To make his case, King noted the following statistical changes that occurred under the Bush/Cheney administration: Unemployment rate: Rose from 4.2 percent to 7.6 percent Poverty: Jumped from 32.9 million individuals [...]

Bailed-out AIG doles out $165 million in bonuses.

Insurance giant American International Group, which has received $170 billion in funds from the government to stay afloat, will award about $165 million in employee bonuses. The U.S. government has an 80 percent ownership stake in the company. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner had urged AIG’s chief Edward Liddy to renegotiate the payments, but Liddy said [...]

Don't forget to check out my Arkansas posts at The Examiner
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