I'm really going to try to break up the serious stuff with some entertainment. As many of you regular readers know, I spent much of my working life in television. My first stop was an ABC affiliate. I was there when ABC was on a roll, back in the early 1980's. In 1982, they put together what is STILL my all-time favorite promo campaigns. Now, before you say "I hate promos", consider the fact that you may be too young, or you may just not remember how good they once were. Also, this one is a great chance to play a bit of trivia. See how many stars you can name or how many TV shows you can name, all in one 2 minute promo. That's right - a 2 minute promo. Back when they were used to build the "image" of the stations and the network. What a job this one did! Enjoy! And, I challenge you to not start singing along! And, you'll be surprised, feeling just a little bit "happy" - they really hoped to do that back then. Amazing, huh? That was lost somewhere along the way and is one reason I'm doing something else these days.
Tags: ABC Promo, 1982 Television
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