Thursday, September 27, 2007

Almost TGIF

It's Thursday.  We're in the home stretch.  Woke up this morning to Tim Russert talking about last night's Democratic Debate.  We spent the evening immersed in the entertainment side of the new television season, and didn't watch the debate.  I know, that's not very "political" of me, but there IS more to life than politics and blogging!  Russert and the "Morning Joe" crew were pretty hard on the Dems for their answers to a question about how fast they would get our troops out of Iraq.  The "Big 3" wiggled in their answers, pretty much saying they really didn't know how quickly that could happen and it was possible our troops would be there until 2013!  The answers may be honest, but they are not going to sit well with voters who elected Democrats to Congress on an "end the war" campaign issue. Some further analysis here.

Posts may be light this evening, but we'll kick things off with our "buddies" at Blackwater.

Blackwater: Using the Iraqis for target practice

This is what happens when you privatize the military by outsourcing its functions to unaccountable private corporations: "The American security contractor Blackwater USA has been involved in a far higher rate of shootings while guarding American diplomats in Iraq than other security firms providing similar services to the State Department, according to Bush administration officials and industry officials. Blackwater is now the focus of [...]


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