Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Funding The War

There are dozens of posts about the Iraq War funding proposal proposal approved by Congressional Democrats.  The general concensus from both sides? The Democrats caved and gave President Bush a huge victory.  Many of the comments are long-winded.  Rachel Maddow summed it all up in just a few lines.

Dear Congressional Democrats: Are you freaking kidding me?

Dear Congressional Democrats: Are you freaking kidding me?  Why do you guys think you won the elections in November?  Because the American people were clamoring for reconstruction funds for Iraq to be linked to optional benchmarks?  Bullpucky.  You were put in power because [...]

Some of the conservative bloggers are trying to hold down the celebrating, but many commenters aren't buying it:

The job's not done until the last cow is in the barn.

Now's not the time for gloating. Remember the end game. Our troops continue to need their support, however antagonistic it may be, to successfully complete their mission. Now's the time to keep on reminding our democrat legislators, kicking and screaming [...]

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