Wednesday, May 02, 2007

"Mission Accomplished"...

Olbermann-Style.  Good segment from last night's program.  By the way, heard an interesting factoid about Olbermann this morning.  Monica Novatny was on the Stephanie Miller show, talking about working with Olbermann.  She mentioned that he writes almost all of his show himself!  That's impressive.  Tackling an hour-long show single-handedly is a huge task!  Given that, follow the link and watch.

A Look Back at the “Mission” We’ve “Accomplished”

Keith takes a critical look back at all the "progress" Bush has cited over the past four years. If the "mission" was "bringing democracy to the people of Iraq," haven't we already [...]

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  1. Is there a link to listen to Stephanie Miller's show?

  2. Her website is

    They post short segments of audio in the blog, but you have to pay to get full access to the podcast version of the entire show.
