Friday, April 27, 2007

Now It's Rush's Turn

I wondered how long it would take for the backlash to begin.  Not long at all, apparently.

BREAKING: Limbaugh’s “Barack the Magic Negro,” on-air song has workers up in arms

Rush Limbaugh has angered many black employees over this parody song called "Barack the Magic Negro" This isn't the first or the last time that Limbaugh will go after Obama's race...I've been told that they have held meetings internally to deal with a ground swell of anger at Rush because of this…A caller noticed [...]

UPDATE:  Joshua Micah Marshall has stumbled on a treasure trove of material even worse!  And, it's all on Rush's website.

Don Imus has...

Don Imus has nothing on Rush Limbaugh. Don't believe it? Then you won't want to miss some of these new racially-charged parodies of Al Sharpton and Barack Obama that Rush is pushing right now with his multi-media empire [...]

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