Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Coordinated Complaints

Having been in broadcasting (in a previous life), I can tell you that the technique of using mass-produced, coordinated, complaints about a television show exists even at the local level.  I've seen it happen with preachers using their pulpits and newsletters to launch campaigns against shows.  On the national level, it's even more egregious...

Keeping the airwaves safe for ... who?

...Knee-jerk legislators and right-wing media 'activists' would have the country believe that Congress is acting in response to the public's demand that that feds act to stop a tide of indecency that's swamping the airwaves and endangering the nation's young people. But nothing could be further from the truth. According to an excellent post by Jonathan Rintels, the entire issue of broadcast indecency has been created and stage-managed by a handful of right-wing groups: [...]

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