On a local media blog, some were complaining that an news anchor referered to the forced resignations of those U.S. Prosecutors as "the prosecutor scandal". The writers were upset, touting the right's allegation that it's not unusual for administrations to put their own people in those positions. True. But, the scandal rears its ugly head when you realize WHY they did and HOW they did it. Scandal, it is.
‘I intend to get the testimony’
I think it’s fair to say that Sen. Pat Leahy (D-Vt.), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is livid over the prosecutor purge scandal. Democrats are now demanding additional documents, as well as testimony under oath from three top current and former White House officials: Mr. Rove; Harriet E. Miers, the former White House counsel; and [...]
One other bit of information to throw into the mix, putting two and two together -
Bush Admin Emails Contradict Sworn Testimony
In testimony on Jan. 18, Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales assured the Senate Judiciary Committee that the Justice Department had no intention of avoiding Senate input on the hiring of U.S. attorneys. Just a month earlier, D. Kyle Sampson, who was then Gonzales's chief of staff, laid out a plan to do just that. In an e-mail, he detailed [...]
And, then, there's Arkansas' Bud Cummins. One angry man.
Purged Prosecutor: No "Paper Trail" for Administration Alibi
From McClatchy this morning: In an interview Wednesday, [former U.S. Attorney for Little Rock, Arkansas Bud] Cummins questioned whether the Justice Department seriously evaluated any of the other U.S. attorneys who they insisted were removed for performance reasons. "If they [...]
UPDATE: Add one more to the mix. Arkansas Senator Mark Pryor -
Pryor Calls for Gonzales Resignation
Sen. Mark Pryor, D-Ark., today said during the Senate's morning business session that U.S. Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales should resign immediately, adding that he didn't believe Gonzales had [...]
UPDATE 2: I know this post is getting lengthy, but this update deserves to be added. The subpoena list is growing and you KNOW Bud Cummins will talk!
5 in DoJ subpeonaed over fired US Attorneys; 6 prosecutors subpeonaed
Just in from the Senate Judiciary Committee… Subpeonas approved for: Kyle Sampson (DoJ, Gonzales’ former Chief of Staff) Michael Elston (DoJ, Deputy Attorney’s Chief of Staff) Monica Goodling (DoJ, liason to the White House) Bill Mercer (DoJ, Associate Attorney Genearl nominee) Mike Battle (DoJ, in charge of US Attorneys) Carol S. Lam (fired US Attorney)* Bud Cummins (fired US Attorney)* Paul K. Charlton [...]
Tags: Prosecutors, Purge, Scandal, Pat Leahy, Senate Judiciary Committee
Tags: Alberto Gonzales, Kyle Sampson
Tags: Bud Cummins
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