Here's my best guess: No matter how much the Administration and its supporters want to THINK the Prosecutor Purge Scandal is going to just quietly fade away, it's not going to. From Congress to the blogosphere, there's a growing wave of critics speaking out. Including some prominent Republicans.
Why a Gonazales resignation is not enough
It now seems all but inevitable that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales will be forced to resign his position over the growing scandal surrounding the political strong-arming of U.S. Attorneys around the country. Resignation, even in supposed disgrace however, is insufficiently punitive to members of an "administration" that has made a practice of employing prominent Republican recidivists left over from what should have been career-ending scandals like Watergate and Iran-Contra. But resignation as a punishment also fails to fit the crime. You may rest assured that apologists [...]
Tags: Alberto Gonzales, Prosecutors, Purge, Scandal
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