Sunday, February 25, 2007

Sunday Night at the Academy Awards

I'm tired.  Worn out.  Left town Friday night for some family stuff.  Came back late Saturday. Spent today trying to catch up with chores around the house and and now trying to keep one eye on the Academy Awards while updating my mp3 player.  In other words, I'm darned maxed out on multi-tasking!  I was also skimming through my bloglines and noticed one of the key stories right now is (surprise!) Iran.  AmericaBlog has done most of the heavy lifting, snagging a couple of most interesting reports. -

Pentagon drafting plans to bomb Iran

We can't win two wars, so let's have three! These people are seriously nuts. Oh, but the plans are to "just" bomb Iran's ability to help the insurgents in Iraq. Uh, ok. And what do we do when the Iranians decide to flood across the boarder and hit us back? Of course, this is exactly what Bush wants to have happen - he wants all out war with Iran. The problem is [...]

But, wait. There's more.  The natives are restless.

Report: Top generals/admirals will resign in protest if Bush launches war with Iran

From the Sunday Times (London): "SOME of America’s most senior military commanders are prepared to resign if the White House orders a military strike against Iran, according to highly placed defence and intelligence sources. Tension in the Gulf region has raised fears that an attack on Iran is becoming increasingly likely before [...]

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