Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Settling In

Sorry for the extended departure. Making the job switch matched up perfectly with a long, tiring, weekend of driving for an out-of-town meeting.  But, all is well.  I'm settled into the new, non-media, gig and enjoying it very much. Hopefully, this will mean I can carve out some time each evening to snag a few blogs for those of you who are still hanging around. Heck, I'd welcome some new folks, so spread the word!

And, now, we return you to your regularly scheduled program.  Already in progress. All Spin. All the time.

The Delusional Dick Cheney

After Dick Cheney got done telling ABC News that it was a good sign that the Brits are pulling their forces out of Iraq he went back on the attack. He scurried off to East Asia rather than be here in town for the potential conviction of his top henchman. And he continues to say anything and just make shit up in order to maintain the fiction that we are fighting al-Qaeda in Iraq. ABC News interviewed the vice president in Tokyo, where he told troops aboard the USS Kitty [...]

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